Activities, Schedule, and Resources

There are all sorts of ways to engage with folks at St. Stephen’s!
Groups you can join:
Men’s Study Group
Every Monday morning at 8 a.m. at Mr. Beans in Marion.
Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study
Every Tuesday morning at 10 a.m. September through May with a summer break. We are meeting in person at the church, however, if you feel uncomfortable joining we have Zoom available. Please reach out to the church if you are interested and need the link.
St. Stephen’s Garden
Matt Weber and Betsy Bostian are the two leading the efforts. Check out their letter here. If you would like to be involved, please let the church know. The growing season is done for now, but we look forward to what our garden can look like next year!
Anti-Racism Team
Our St. Stephen's Anti Racism team, composed of 16 members, is excited to begin sharing with you some of the work we have been doing during the early stages of establishing our purpose, vision and plan for action.
St. Stephen's Anti Racism Team meeting 7:00-8:30 pm. Moving forward, we will be meeting the first Tuesday of every month.
Check out our chair of the team in our adult education series about what is racism and why we should talk about it: Why Do We Need to Talk About Racism Playlist
If you would like to join this team or if you have questions, please reach out to the church.