About Us
The History of St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church
June 8, 1947 Sixteen people met in the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. LeMont (127 8th Street NE) for prayer and devotions, and decided to organize a new congregation.
June 15, 1947 First vespers service.
June 22, 1947 First Sunday morning worship. Mr. Kermit Roisen, student at St. Olaf College, serve as pastor during the summer of 1947. Rev. Lowell Sattre, graduate student at the University of Iowa serves as interim pastor during the 1947-1948 academic year.
Oct.1, 1947 Adoption of first constitution Mr. Judson Crary, student at Luther Theological Seminary, served as pastor during the summer of 1948.
June 1948 St Stephen’s was officially accepted into the membership of the Evangelical Lutheran Church.
Nov. 7, 1948 Rev. Arthur Jothen, formerly of Maynard MN, was installed as the first resident pastor. (served until July 8, 1951).
Mar 13, 1949 Groundbreaking service for the new church. Skogman Construction Company began excavating the following day. The church was built with cinder blocks with an A-frame roof.
April 1949 The congregation voted to go self-supporting.
Oct 9, 1949 Dedication of the St Stephen’s Lutheran Church building
Sept 1951 Rev. Norris L. Wogen installed as pastor of St. Stephen’s. (Served 21 years until October 1972)
1953-1961 The congregation operated a food stand at the All-Iowa, selling sandwiches and desserts. This was a great fundraiser.
1955-1968 The congregation organized a Scandinavian smorgasbord meal every fall. Tickets could be purchased with time slots for seating. The meal was served in the basement and people waited upstairs for their turn.
1956 A parsonage was built at 3220 Iowa Ave SE. It was a 4 bedroom house with full basement, two-car garage and a bomb shelter under the front yard. The church office was in the walk-out basement.
1957 A new organ was purchased. The interior of the sanctuary was painted, the center aisle was carpeted, and better second-hand pews were installed.
1958 The congregation purchased land north of Bever Ave SE for future expansion. This purchase turned out to be a financial burden. The land was eventually sold to pay off outstanding mortgages and bills.
1960 Members of St. Stephen’s become charter members at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in northwest Cedar Rapids, and Lutheran Church of the Resurrection in Marion.
1961 The congregation purchased a small house south of the church, for use as a parish house and church office. Sunday school classes were held there. An old-fashioned cellar door provided an emergency exit from the basement.
Sept 1972 Rev. Wogen resigned.
The parsonage was repainted and maintained in preparation for a new pastor. Wartburg Theological Seminary faculty members did pulpit supply during the interim.
June 1973 Rev. Landis Olsen installed as St. Stephen’s pastor (served until May 31, 1981)
1974 St. Stephen’s celebrated its 25th anniversary. The facilities were updated and repainted. Roene Cammack became the first woman president of St. Stephen’s. Members of the congregation made stained glass windows which were installed in the sanctuary windows.
May 31, 1981 Rev. Olsen resigned.
Aug 1981 Rev. Gary Boe was installed as pastor of St. Stephen’s. (served until Nov. 3, 1985) The front steps were enclosed with a roof and sides. The altar was moved so that the pastor could be behind the altar and facing the congregation. Communion was now served at every Sunday service. Communion rail, flags, and eternal flames were removed.
1985 Rev. David Dennison installed as pastor of St. Stephen’s. (served until 1991). Pastor Dennison’s wife, Julie, was ordained and became the 6th. The two became St. Stephen’s first co-pastors.
1989-1990 The parish house was sold to the Sisters of Mercy and moved to another location to make room for a new education unit with Sunday School rooms in the basement, a new kitchen, fellowship hall and church offices on the group floor.
1991 Rev. Jackie Tjarks installed as St. Stephen’s 1st solo woman pastor. (served until Jan 1, 1993).
June 1992 Anita Fuehr, the last active charter member of St. Stephen’s died.
1993 Rev. Tim Smith installed as St. Stephen’s pastor. (served until the spring of 2008). A new piano was donated by Janet Bergman in memory of her late husband. The organ was gradually phased out and then given away to an aspiring music student.
1994 A new air conditioner, furnace and stove were installed at the parsonage.
1997 50th anniversary of the organization/foundation of St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church as a congregation
1999 50th anniversary of the dedication of the building
May 10, 2000 Kick-off of “Realizing the Vision” capital appeal to build a new sanctuary at St. Stephen’s. The new sanctuary was dedicated in 2001.
May 2001 Gayla Crosmer became Coordinator of Spiritual Growth and Gifts (served until 2002).
2001 Members of St. Stephen’s become charter members of Seeds of Faith Lutheran Church in Mount Vernon.
2004 Rev. Steve Pankkuk installed as co-pastor responsible for Family Life.
(served until January 2010)
2008 Rev. Tim Smith resigned. Rev. Mark Kukkonen served as interim pastor for 22 months. The parsonage on Iowa Ave SE was sold. The proceeds were used to pay down the church mortgage.
May 2010 Rev. Judy Klusman installed as pastor of St. Stephen’s (resigned for health reasons in August 2010).
Aug 2010 Rev. Lyle Kleman installed as interim pastor (served until Oct 2011)
Oct 2011 Rev. Dr. Ritva H. Williams installed as pastor of St. Stephen’s.
Dec 2012 Installation of large screens in the sanctuary and narthex.
Jan 2013 St Stephen’s adopted a new constitution and a new missional governance structure. The new Council of 8 members began to meet quarterly. Representatives of all the Ministry Teams met together once a month.
July 2013 Installation of Vicar Paul Andrew Johnson, to serve as ½ time pastoral intern at St. Stephen’s and ½ time intern chaplain in the Spiritual Care Dept of St Luke’s Hospital.
Jan 2014 St. Stephen’s voted to become a Reconciling in Christ congregation committed to the full participation of all persons without exception, without regard for age, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, financial or family status, physical or mental abilities, or any other human distinction used to discriminate and exclude. St. Stephen’s adopted a continuing resolution empowering the pastor(s) of St. Stephen 's to preside at the service uniting any persons legally able to be married in the state of Iowa, should his/her own bound conscience allow for it.
July 2014 Installation of Vicar Aleese Baldwin, to serve as ½ time pastoral intern at St. Stephen’s and ½ time intern chaplain in the Spiritual Care Dept of St Luke’s Hospital.
Aug 2015 Installation of Vicar Luci Sesvold, to serve as ½ time pastoral intern at St. Stephen’s and ½ time intern chaplain in the Spiritual Care Dept of St Luke’s Hospital.
Jan 25, 2016 65th anniversary of the dedication of the St Stephen’s building (3 months late) –we called it our building’s non-retirement party
Aug 2016 Installation of Vicar Kristi Grieder, to serve as ½ time pastoral intern at St. Stephen’s and ½ time intern chaplain in the Spiritual Care Dept of St Luke’s Hospital.
June 2017 500th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation Pilgrimage to Germany. Pastor Ritva and 11 intrepid travelers sang their way through eastern Germany and Prague.
Aug 2017 Installation of Vicar Mikayla Kopp, to serve as ½ time pastoral intern at St. Stephen’s and ½ time intern chaplain in the Spiritual Care Dept of St Luke’s Hospital.
St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church, 1949
Built by Skogman Construction Company. The first service in the building was on July 17, 1949, only four months after the start of construction.
St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church, 1989